Book search

This quick post has nothing much to do with our sailing trip. If you want that kind of stuff, check out the post Moss wrote about our turtle hunting trip yesterday.

For decades I’ve had a vague memory of a science fiction story I read when I was a kid. I remembered only one scene: something about an abandoned subway station on an uninhabited planet. That’s it. So for years I searched and tried to determine who wrote the story and what it is titled.

Well yesterday I found it, finally. It’s an Arthur C. Clarke book called The City and the Stars. I located the book online and downloaded a copy. It was quite a thrill reading this thing that I had begun thinking I’d imagined. As far as I can tell, when I first read the book, I never got past the part about the subway (which was pretty cool and definitely stuck in my memory). Maybe I started the book at the library but never checked it out, maybe I borrowed a copy and had to return it before I could finish. In any event, the story turned out to be ok…started strong and finished medium. Nevertheless it was quite a thrill to find the book after what has to be more than 35 years.

Now I’m on the hunt for another story I read as a kid. This one is about a planet with a poisonous sun that ages people in a matter of days. I think it is by Robert Heinlein. 

Cruising tip of the day: never give up.