Turtle time

Today we explored mangrove water trails to look for turtles. Our trip was a success! We saw more then ten turtles, big and small. 

Mangrove path.jpg

I noticed that some of the bigger turtles had shells that looked like they had little rainbow designs on them. I wonder if they were tricks on my eyes or actually on the shells. I think the most likely factor would be the sunlight and the water were making rainbows above the turtles shells and it looked like they were on the turtles. 

Before we went to the mangroves swamp trails we went to a place my Mom called the turtle sanctuary. But the trails had more turtles than the sanctuary! 


At one point a big turtle came by Mr. Flowerpot and I tried to get an under water photo of it but it went too fast. 

That’s my paw in front of the lens with a turtle at the bottom left of the picture. Underwater photography is tricky when you are sitting in a dinghy.

That’s my paw in front of the lens with a turtle at the bottom left of the picture. Underwater photography is tricky when you are sitting in a dinghy.

That made me wonder why people say that turtles move so slowly. Or do they just say that about tortoises?

Then that made me think about the book Flush by Carl Hiassen and how you could risk the lives of baby turtles by dumping sewage. Did Dusty Muleman not know about the turtles or not care? (Dusty Muleman is in the book Flush) 

I think it might be fun to be a turtle in clean waters. You would be the center of attention when tourists came. You could disguise your self as a rock if predators came, you’d have a long life if It all went well as a hatchling, and you would have the mangroves for shade. Plus, bugs probably don’t like turtles. I wonder if sharks eat turtles. 

At some point in the turtle trails I spotted a turtle with two shark sucker friends on its shell. That would be another benefit to being a turtle: Cleaners that travel with you. One of the shark suckers was darkly colored and big. The other was one lightly colored and small. 

Now that I think about it, being a hatchling turtle must not be fun. There are the challenges of hatching, not getting chomped on or washed away, or choked by bottle holder togetherers. 

But cruising in a mangrove swamp in the water must be fun. 

Today's net

Ahoy mateys!

This post is special because I’m doing it by typing the way normal people do. 

Which is typing with my fingers on the home keys. 

I knew I was ready to post a blog post when I was able to type:

Super lemurs fly through space eating everything in their face. A moldy shoe. A tuba loo. What do you say? What do you think? Don’t make a big stink. 

I know it’s nonsense but it sounds good and cool. 

Now let’s get to business. 

Right now we are on an eleven dollar mooring in Black Sound in Green Turtle Cay. 

It is the fifteenth of April. And fourteen days until my eleventh birthday. 

I am writing this post to sound like the Georgetown Cruisers Net. A cruisers net is a morning broadcast on the VHF telling what’s going on in town and the anchorage. It includes things like weather, kids’ activities, local events, departures and arrivals, and things for sale, trade, or give-away. (One time my dad almost bought an outboard on the net but it was too heavy and expensive.)

Now, any departures for today? Well, all of the food we’ve been eating. For breakfast we had bagels with cream cheese. And for lunch I had a chicken and broccoli noodle dish. 

Now, the weather for today is cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Nope. I’m joking. The meatballs were last night’s dinner and weren’t very good.

The weather is south west fifteen knots. Tonight will be squally from the north with winds at, about fifteen to twenty knots. And squalls. 

Now, cruisers general is that today we will be going into Green Turtle Cay’s town to drop of a propane tank and get ice cream. 

Trade or give away? Nothing heard.

Now moving on to new arrivals,

We have a frozen Mahi on board. 

The first night we had sushi and the second night we had it breaded and grilled. 

We caught the Mahi off shore headed to Lynyard Cay in the Abacos. We also caught a barracuda the same day but let it go. The Mahi was the perfect size and only flapped once. My mom got it with vodka then wrapped it in a towel and put it head down in a bucket. After it was filleted I fetched her a zip lock bag and we stuffed it with our first ever fish. 

Now to kids’ corner. Nothing heard. 

Thank you for  listening to the net. Tune in next time and enjoy you day. 

Moss back to 68. 

Rudder Cay excitement

What do I start with?

The Nazis? The Castle? The bats? Or the goat?

I’ll start with the sharks. 

Last week on our way to explore Darby island, we spotted our friends Andromeda spear fishing nearby. They saw two lemon sharks. Lemon sharks are sharky sharks. They kept fishing, we kept moving.

Now let’s  get started. 

There is an abandoned house called The Castle on Darby Island. Because, in our anchorage, there were lots of kid boats, the plan was to investigate The Castle with Piper and Andromeda. Other people had the same idea and there were two other kid boats, Mohini and Bliss tying up to the concrete spiky dock when we arrived. (A spiky dock is an iron shore dock. Iron shore is limestone that got melted away by acid in the rain and by the ocean and by the sand and by the wind.) 

Nine kids and seven grownups trooped up to the castle. And on the way we spotted poisonwood, snake skins and a real live snake! (Poisonwood is like poison ivy except it is a tree that is common. So common that it is on most islands in the Bahamas. If you even stand under a poisonwood tree in the rain you get all itchy.)

The snakes were small constrictors. They just creeped me out so I walked away.

Quick history lesson everyone: The Castle was owned by a Nazi supporter in 1939 who would flash lights from his house and guide German submarines in and help them provision. 

Apparently the cement was mixed with salt water so the rebar in it would rust and then the ceiling  would collapse so there was a room with so much rubble you couldn’t go into it. 

Knowing that, I felt like every ceiling was going to collapse. The place I felt the safest was on the balcony over the former grand entrance.  

The view from the balcony.

The view from the balcony.

Something that was cool is that the windows were so big that you could climb out onto the above ground cistern. They needed a cistern to store their rainwater because there are no wells or streams on the island. 

As you would imagine, the floor was hollow above the cistern, so that too felt like it would collapse. 

After The Castle exploring we walked down to a cave that has bats. And with bats come bat poop (guano). So my rainbow crocs with a white bottom got brown poo on them. 

Also, with bats and bat poop comes bat smelly. And it was smelly. 

Side note: Darby Island is for sale for 39 million dollars! For poisonwood and ruins and constrictors and bat poop. I wouldn’t buy it. 

As we were dingying away from expensive Darby, we saw a goat on a hill! Since the dads were about to go spearfishing we joked that someone should spear that goat. Then we could have goat hide life jackets. 

When the dads went in the water at shark hour, Piper caught a lion fish. And Bliss caught a fish that I don’t know the name of. But it swam off of the spear, right towards Bliss’ dinghy. (With a 20 horse power outboard. The boat not the fish.)

The girls in the dinghy scooped up the fish and we all dinghied on our way. 

That’s the safe place my parents chose for me to play.

Kid boats

Okay, I only got one email asking me to post, but an email’s an email. 

My dad told you about the kid boats that we met (Piper and Mojo) but he didn’t tell you about what us kids did. So I will. 

We spent most of our time playing LEGOs or watching movies on Piper

When we were in Black Point our parents went out for dinner together and left their five kids on board Piper… ALONE! (That’s when ye old folk gasp or clutch your armchair for stabilization.)

Anyway, Mojo’s parents stopped by Piper to pick up their two kids. 

When they left, the three remaining kids decided to ask our parents (over the radio) for a sleepover. 

So Piper got on the radio and asked for a sleepover on Piper

The answer was yes, but what I later realized is that Mojo must have been reading the mail 

(listening to other people’s conversations on the radio) and probably got a bit jealous. 

I think this because two days before this all five of us kids had asked for a sleepover on board Piper and the answer was no. 

My parents took me back to Cupcake to get some sleepover stuff and then brought me back to Piper. 

When my parents had port (left, get it?) we watched How To Train Your Dragon 2. 

Then we went to bed. 

The next morning we had eggs and bacon for breakfast then had sailing lessons in Tink, Piper’s sailing dinghy. 

My parents are begging me to tell you about how on Piper’s parents way back to us by dinghy they had to ask us to flash the anchor light because they couldn’t find their own boat in the dark.  

When my parents and I were on our way back to Piper later that same evening we had to ask them to flash their anchor light again! It’s dark in the dark.


I’ve been exiled. 

Banished to the poop deck. 

I’m just not banished to the v berth. 

And I’m not in trouble. 

Today is the big finale on all these surprises. Because, of course a surprise is being made for me. And I have to keep out of the cabin while my parents finish the surprise.

I thought this family didn’t do surprises!

Hopefully this is the last surprise. 

We have been in Nassau for two days and tomorrow we collect Simon and Zachary. 

Then we set off on our way on Wednesday. 

To the Exumas. To another marina. 


I prefer to anchor. So do my parents. But the weather is supposed to be horrid for a few days.

Today, we started the day with a swim in the marina pool. 

Then we set off on our way to down town Nassau by foot. 

We didn’t walk far before stopping at a restaurant called The Green Parrot

The food there was very good. 

At least the chicken was. 

I got chicken tenders. My parents got two orders of chicken wings. 

We are having leftovers for supper. 

(I prefer the word supper to dinner.)

Anyway, back to the summary of the day. 

After we ate lunch, we went to the straw market. We didn’t buy anything. Nor did we want anything. We saw lots of carved wood, straw hats, straw bags, ripped t-shirts. Not a look I care for.

There were some pull turtles like ones we have at the house in my room that we turned into baskets. 

I’m not the only one who likes pull turtles. 

There were many people who bought a pull turtle or two. 

After we walked through the straw market we got gelato. 

I got chocolate and vanilla, my dad got chocolate and vanilla, and my mom got mango and piña colada. 

Next we went to a museum called The Balcony House

The tour guide was very friendly and engaging. 

Then we walked back to Cupcake. 

I read on the boat while my parents zipped over to the grocery store to get beer and juice. 

I am currently reading Wildwood by Colin Meloy and illustrated by Carson Ellis. 

I just did two vocabulary words. Judicious and combustible. Judicious means making good decisions and having good judgment. Combustible means flammable and fire prone.

1/2, .5, half


Guess what blog readers… I just finished my first math book. One more to go. Today I closed the book after completing 152 pages of math. I am half way done with my 5th grade math year.

This is where the snubber line almost chafed through.

This is where the snubber line almost chafed through.

I don’t know if my dad told you guys about how the snubber chafed, but yesterday the snubber got chafed down to only a few strands. Luckily my dad caught it in time and last night he and my mom installed the backup snubber on the anchor chain. 

This morning, we moved the boat a few hundred feet just to be sure that we didn’t and don’t drag into land. 

Pablo grabbed immediately. 

This is the new snubber eye.

This is the new snubber eye.

A few days ago I made up a game called Smack Dab In The Middle. The object of the game is to hit, smack, or punch your opponent in the belly button before they get you. 

Last night was very windy. So windy in fact, that I got nervous. 

Boat Bunny.

Boat Bunny.

If you are wondering, a way to pass the nervousness it to play Backgammon. Another way is to suck on Boat Bunny to the point where his foot turns pointy and then drys. Gross too. 

Fancy lunch.

Fancy lunch.

Look at my sandwich and how fancy it is. 

I am not a no crust person. 

There is no crust on my sandwich because my mom, cook and chief medical officer saw mold on the crust and cut it off.

If you are keeping track: Weevily pasta and moldy crust. 

We haven’t eaten either. 


My parents point out that it is a long journey…

.5 of the way through Hanukkah too.

.5 of the way through Hanukkah too.

Great Harbour Cay

Before I start my post, I want to clarify that I do in fact know what a pay phone is without having to be told what one is. 

The crossing to the Berries was very uneventful. Much like the crossing to the Bahamas. 

I passed the time on the first day reading Molly Moon’s Incredible Book Of Hypnotism by Georgia Byng. I strongly recommend that you read it. 

We anchored on the Banks in thirty two feet. My mom put one hundred and fifty feet of chain out. Tonight we have forty feet out. 

We had dirty rice for dinner last night. After dinner we watched Madagascar 2. 

We all went to bed at eight o’clock. 

I woke up at ten thirty and moved to the couch to see if I would sleep better on the couch, I couldn’t sleep because it was to bouncy and to gurgly. I did not sleep better on the couch. So I moved back to my room. 

This morning, my mom hulled up the anchor and we set off on our way. 

Today was even more boring then yesterday because I had no book to read. 

When we got to where we thought we would find the entrance to our basin, we couldn’t find a way in. 

My dad realized that there was a very narrow way in that you couldn’t see until you got there. 

Narrow entrance to our secret anchorage.

Narrow entrance to our secret anchorage.

We got in and securely anchored. 

After relaxing for a bit, we went into town and walked around. 

Luckily, the ice cream shop and the beach are a short walk away from the dock. 

We just finished dinner which was breaded tilapia with fried rice. My favorite dinner ever. 

My dad just discovered that some pasta that we were given from relatives had weevils in it. 

Thank goodness the bag was closed. 

I suggested a book and now I will suggest a movie. My suggestion is Master And Commander

There is a scene in Master And Commander that has weevils in it and the punch line is “Always chose the lesser of two weevils.” For more information watch the movie!

BT (Bimini Time)

Okay fellow blog readers.

Since I have a lot to talk about, I will get right to the point.

Our time in Fort Lauderdale went by super fast! It was all fun, but my favorite part was when I escaped from my parents and stayed at my cousin’s house. It is weird going from zero kids to six kids. The sleepover was with three cousins my age, along with three more of the cousins who were around Simon’s age. It was funny when we went swimming in the pool because two of my cousins are from New York so the pool was warm for them, and the pool was warm for me because I'm used to swimming in the ocean. But for my cousins from Florida…

The crossing was very uneventful. I guess you want boring and uneventful passages. But nine hours worth of boring and uneventful, is well… boring and uneventful.

I don’t know if when we were in Cape Lookout South Carolina, we told you about the nice crew from a boat called Jenna Bird that gave us freezer pops. But we saw a boat called Jenna Bird that gave us freezer pops. Anyway, we saw them again when we arrived in Bimini. Alicia showed me her sea glass collection, and when my parents and I went for a walk on the beach, I found a piece of green sea glass.

When we got back from our walk on the beach, we realized that Cupcake had dragged. As you know, my mom has a hankering for anchoring and trusts Pablo. She hauled up the anchor and we reset it.

When I went below, I asked my dad if I should turn off the GPS, he said not to and explained that was because he wanted to make sure that we weren’t dragging. {If you need your GPS to make sure that you are not dragging, you should move.} My mom was making dinner (tacos) when it was clear that we were dragging. It was dark by then. My parents were deciding if we should take a dock. After a lot of stressing and deciding, they chose yes.

My dad took the helm, my mom took her anchoring area, and I relayed. When the anchor was up, it was covered in junk. Sea grass and fishing line. When it was cleaned off, we turned the boat and tried to grab a face dock. We missed it. We tried for the next face dock. We missed that too. By now I was very nervous. We looped around and tried the first face dock. We got it! After we were secure, we asked permission to stay the night. They said yes.

We ate a nice dinner of tacos.

After dinner, we checked in.

This morning, we asked if we could stay here for another night for a lower price. The marina said yes again.

While I am writing this post, a big sport fish came in to the face dock in front of us and decided to blast rap music and swear every five words.

It is very disrupting to quiet folk like us.

Spooky spooky post

Okay, fellow blog readers. 

I’m sorry I have not written for a while. A long time. A catastrophic, long-in-the-tooth, time. I will try to write more regularly in the future. No promises. But I will try. 

The reason I have not written for a while is that I at first run out of time to post, then don’t feel like posting, then I end up not having written in a long time. 

Now, back to actually telling you about the trip.  

I’ll tell you about Fort Frederica. If I told you about every thing that has happened since I last posted, it would take too long.

Back to Fort Frederica. Today I did the ranger program. As always, it was super fun. I think this particular ranger booklet was my favorite of the many I have done. It was my favorite because it was more like a scavenger hunt than just facts in a booklet.

To start the junior ranger program, the park ranger had me chose between a bonnet or a private’s hat. I chose the private’s hat. Next I was given a satchel containing a spy glass, a wooden ball in cup (the game where you try to get the ball on the string into the cup), a map, a candle, and a protractor. After that, I was told that I was delivering a message to Captain Demere. The message was that there were sightings of the Spanish. 

Then I went all over the park to deliver the message. I went from a ruin, to a chat, to a ruin, to the fort. And so on. 

Now, about Halloween. I am going to be an orange traffic cone. Very simple, but fun. 

(This post was written on October thirtieth, not the thirty first.)

I have been learning how to run the helm (where you steer and manage the engine from) when it is time to anchor and time to hoist-anchor. At first my dad asked me to do it, then I started to volunteer to do it. I have realized that it is quite fun running the helm to help with the anchor. 

The next step is for me to drive the boat when we are underway. 

Hupdate (hurricane update)

Okay, I’m writing this post about our stay at North West Creek Marina. Something I have said repeatedly to my parents is that when we first pulled in to the marina, it looked kind of foreign and different. Not the boats piled on the docks, because there weren’t any yet, but the place itself. It looked different. By the time  we left the marina, it was like a neighborhood. It was exciting leaving the marina, but also sad. We were leaving our new friends, but also continuing our travels. 

The first days back at the marina from our hotel in D.C. were really busy. My mom was sewing the main sail, I was doing laundry in a dock cart (it was a big load). I also made lunch. An example of how long the day was is, if I told you every detail, it would take five hours.

Here is an example of how gross North Carolina water is, when my dad and I were doing our last rinse load of laundry, a woman came up to us and offered us rubber gloves. Apparently the woman thought we were washing clothes salvaged from the hurricane waters. 

The water here is so gross that you could get infected from it. Sorry about your heebie-jeebies. 

On our second day back from D.C. my mom returned our rental car while my dad sent me up the mast to string the lazy jacks and put up our burgees. On our third day back from D.C. I went up the mast to string the lazy jacks again, because my parents had to take them down to hoist the mainsail. Note to nervous nellies: I wore a harness. 

This is Dawn Treader.

This is Dawn Treader.

At one point we dinghied up a river thing and saw an adorable little tug boat and a forty five foot catamaran that was picked up out of the water by Florence and put in someone’s back yard. In case you were wondering, the catamaran was named Dawn Treader, from Narnia. 

Another day, we dinghied up another river and saw a motor boat named Shasta, I don’t think they meant the character Narnia, but, Dawn Treader and Shasta…pretty neat. If you haven’t read the Narnia books by C.S Lewis, read them! 

Catching Up (again)

I’m starting my post with last Tuesday, when we drove up to D.C. The car ride for me was fun. Probably because I wasn’t driving.

I had downloaded Confessions Of An Imaginary Friend for the car ride, because my teacher last year had read it to my class, and I really liked it so I downloaded it to listen to with my parents. When the story ended, I fell asleep.

When I woke up we were at our first hotel. When we got inside our hotel room, my dad immediately said that we were only staying there one night. Even though there were two beds, I ended up sleeping with my parents. I have to admit, I saved my parents from using the hotel issued blanket, by using my quilt. I also used my own pillow, since there was a pillow shortage. On Wednesday after breakfast (bad yogurt) my mom got us reservations at our usual D.C hotel, so we went there instead. The River Inn is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed in.

I forgot to tell you that at Northwest Creek Marina, there is a swap table, and I scored a nice floral napkin to make another boat bunny (stuffed animal with bunny head) I will show you a picture. We had a nice stay in D.C we saw Simon, met Simon’s friends, saw some cousins, and ate lots of brunches. In D.C I learned that brunch doesn’t have to be fancy. And my mom made me another boat bunny, I named it Penguin bunny, because the ears are my favorite penguin socks. The drive back to New Bern was antsy feeling, because we didn’t really know what had happened to Cupcake. When we got to New Bern, Cupcake was fine, she had pulled a cleat out of the dock, and damaged the finger pier, but otherwise was fine. Today we moved Cupcake over a slip, I got a bit panicked, but Cupcake was strong, as usual. Now we are up to date.

This is the cleat that tore out of the dock. Slow internet. Maybe more pictures later

This is the cleat that tore out of the dock. Slow internet. Maybe more pictures later

Unicorns, rainbows, and such

I don't know if you actually believe that I said "You didn't think this trip was going to be all cupcakes and rainbows, and we would adopt a unicorn, did you?" but, I dd in fact say that. 

My father said that I should write about how much fun I'm having, so I will.

Today, I spent most of my time talking, making paper dolls, and playing with paper dolls. In all, today I made twentynine paper dolls, and that was just today! Teachers, if you would like to use that information in math, you may. Speaking of teachers, I super duper, really shneely, miss school.

Note to friends: especially my friends.  

These are my 29 dolls.

These are my 29 dolls.

Shoes (because you were wondering)

This is a follow up to my very first post, on February fifth 2018;

What shoes did you bring? You ask? Well, I brought crocs, sneakers, L.L.Bean keenes and rain boots. 

I am proud to say that I have worn them all. 

Today (September fifth 2018), my friends back home start school. Usually, when I miss school, I  can check the time and say something like, “Oh! It’s 3:14, one minute until dismissal.” But now I don’t know, and I’m school sick – I miss school.

Earlier today, my mom and I were playing a game that went like this: “Do you think Bladiblah has thought about me?” (we didn’t actually say bladiblah, that was an example.) the next person would say yes or no, then what they thought the person they were talking about thought.

Catching up

To start this post I will show you my uncle’s riddle:

What has Moss been doing for the past few days?


Not replying to emails from her uncle, or writing in her blog!

I just looked at my last about me post, and as you know, it was August 11th. Eleven days ago! Sorry guys. 

Instead of writing eleven days’ worth, I’m going to write two days’ worth, our visit with our cousins, Elise, Margaux, and Amanda. You know the saying ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’? Well, time does in fact fly when you’re having fun. 

I don’t know when we got to Elise’s, but we got back to Cupcake at midnight, I do know that we got to Elise’s during daylight, so we were there a while. We had two days’ of visit time with the cousins. 

The first day Elise picked us up, and took us over to her house.  (Before that we played on the play ground. I think it was one of the best playgrounds, set up as a misshapen ship.) At Elise’s house, we did laundry, showered, drank cold, non-boat water and visited with family. 

My two pot holders. 

My two pot holders. 

Elise pulled out some weaving for me to do, at first I used random colors, but when I found a single red string, I repeated my random color pattern, and it turned out looking like a store-bought woven pot holder. 

When we were on Cupcake (Not at midnight.) I made a more organized one. The next day, Margaux and Ben picked us up, and brought to a Beach Boys concert. We didn’t get tickets, we just sat outside. My dad repeatedly said that the volume was perfect because we could hear the music but still talk comfortably.

Me about to eat a delicious cupcake. 

Me about to eat a delicious cupcake. 

When Margaux and Ben picked us up, they brought cupcakes. Delicious cupcakes. The Cupcakes were creamy, sweet and sprinkly. 

Me obviously failing at drinking orange juice. 

Me obviously failing at drinking orange juice. 

Now, we are in Cape May, New Jersey. We decided to stay here, at a dock for one and a half days. Today was the full day, it was a beach day. We spent a good chunk of time jumping on waves, it was super awesome! At one point a wave knocked me under water, and into a back wards summersault, onto my head and then onto my feet again, at another point a wave knocked me into a stranger, at another other point, a wave knocked me into my mom's knee, my butt hurt after that. The impression on today you should get is... AWESOME!


Captain, first mate, and scallywag Moss. 

Captain, first mate, and scallywag Moss. 

Beautiful marsh views. 

Beautiful marsh views. 

Another lesson

If you have read my dad’s most recent post, and the part about going to the café and watching a James Bond movie, in the rain, you must have heard about the thunder storm. In an older post of my dad’s, he tells about our first hatch incident, did you read about the first

Well now we have a second hatch incident (maybe third, possibly fourth…I’m losing count). So, before we went to the café, we thought closed all of the ports and hatches. When we were dinghying back up to Cupcake, we saw the main hatch was open. There was some swearing on my parents’ part, I was just upset. 

When we got on board, there were only two things on the table underneath the hatch: my book, and my journal. We sponged up the table and floor, and put my books in the sun. My father didn’t write this himself, because he is embarrassed. Again, if you have a question or a request, please tell us, and most likely you will hear about it.

Advertising (joke)

Knobble Knees.jpg

Today when we got off the boat, we saw mini remote-control sailboats. They in were all colors, a few were even wooden! The people controlling the boats told us the boats would be racing until 4:00pm. I thought the racers would pack up and leave due to rain. 

However, at 11:00ish, they were still there, and racing in the rain. My dad got two really good photos, (showed below) one of me with knobble knees (Daddy’s words, not mine.) and one of the boats racing, it shows all the different colors. 

It just popped into my head that if you are reading this, and controlled a boat, you get free advertisement. You might be wondering how the remotes stayed dry, I will tell you: plastic bags! More free advertising. 

If you have questions, or things you want to learn about, or something to be advertised (joke) comment, or email me or my parents.

Wee racers.jpg

Boat Building Handelmans

Boatbuilder Moss.jpg

Yesterday, we went to Mystic Seaport Museum. Mystic Seaport is set up like an 1800s boating village, we did lots of things, but what I'm choosing to write about is the boat building. 

There was a children's activity for building boats out of paper, hot glue and wood. at first I wanted to do a ketch or a yawl, but it turned out schoonerish. In the picture I'm attaching the dinghy to the boat, by using a small piece of wood as a cleat, and gluing string to the cleat, so you can drag the dinghy. 


Bouncing into Woods Hole

After Sandwich we came to Woods Hole.

I took this picture yesterday for Simon. There were many tiny houses floating in the Woods Hole harbor.

I took this picture yesterday for Simon. There were many tiny houses floating in the Woods Hole harbor.

If you are wondering how the trip from Sandwich to Woods Hole was, I couldn’t really tell you, because I got sea sick. I woke up at 7:0, got dressed and came up to the cockpit nauseous because it was waves and bumpity. Then I fell asleep. Later I woke up, and my parents had poached a mooring. I had a ginger candy then felt fine. 

Later on Friday we got together with our friends the Olins and went to a free part of an aquarium. We saw squid, small octopus, rays, star fish, pufferfish and sea urchins. I held a star fish and a sea urchin. 

After that Josh took us to the beach, to play and swim. The water was in the 70s! After the beach we showered at the Olins’ and ate dinner: pizza. The pizza was very good.

When we finished dinner we went to a lecture on life without oxygen. It was fun but tiring. Today is a town day.

Killing Time- Ice Cream Story

I named this post Killing Time because if I weren’t posting I would be lying on my back in the cockpit, playing with a rubber band.

Earlier today a boat with kids came in to gas up, I wanted to make friends with them, but was too shy (I am sad to admit) in the end, they left, so I’m glad I didn’t make friends with them. They would have left anyway.

Before that boat came, a boat looking to be one hundred feet came in, it is a power boat yacht- type thing.

Before I forget, I will tell my ice cream catastrophe story: Daddy, Mamma and I walked to an ice cream place, I was thirsty, so I asked for a tap water. It was refreshing. After my ice cream (cookie dough) came out I went to a picnic table to eat it. It was very drippy (because of the scorching weather) so I held it out to drip, because the dripping was unmanageable. I went in for a lick, and...plop! The cookie dough fell on the grass!

Since Mamma had gone to get an ice coffee, I went over to Daddy who was waiting for his ice cream (vanilla crunch) and said “it fell off” Daddy said “onto the ground?” I said yes. When Mamma came back we cleaned the ice cream with a spoon and put the ice cream on the bottom of a cup (upside down cup) but it still dripped, so we put it in the cup and I ate it. Very sticky situation. After that we tried to walk into town, but turned back because I got tired, so we went to a museum instead. 

Tonight we are going to watch a Wallace and Gromit movie after we all take showers.