Killing Time- Ice Cream Story

I named this post Killing Time because if I weren’t posting I would be lying on my back in the cockpit, playing with a rubber band.

Earlier today a boat with kids came in to gas up, I wanted to make friends with them, but was too shy (I am sad to admit) in the end, they left, so I’m glad I didn’t make friends with them. They would have left anyway.

Before that boat came, a boat looking to be one hundred feet came in, it is a power boat yacht- type thing.

Before I forget, I will tell my ice cream catastrophe story: Daddy, Mamma and I walked to an ice cream place, I was thirsty, so I asked for a tap water. It was refreshing. After my ice cream (cookie dough) came out I went to a picnic table to eat it. It was very drippy (because of the scorching weather) so I held it out to drip, because the dripping was unmanageable. I went in for a lick, and...plop! The cookie dough fell on the grass!

Since Mamma had gone to get an ice coffee, I went over to Daddy who was waiting for his ice cream (vanilla crunch) and said “it fell off” Daddy said “onto the ground?” I said yes. When Mamma came back we cleaned the ice cream with a spoon and put the ice cream on the bottom of a cup (upside down cup) but it still dripped, so we put it in the cup and I ate it. Very sticky situation. After that we tried to walk into town, but turned back because I got tired, so we went to a museum instead. 

Tonight we are going to watch a Wallace and Gromit movie after we all take showers.