Bouncing into Woods Hole

After Sandwich we came to Woods Hole.

I took this picture yesterday for Simon. There were many tiny houses floating in the Woods Hole harbor.

I took this picture yesterday for Simon. There were many tiny houses floating in the Woods Hole harbor.

If you are wondering how the trip from Sandwich to Woods Hole was, I couldn’t really tell you, because I got sea sick. I woke up at 7:0, got dressed and came up to the cockpit nauseous because it was waves and bumpity. Then I fell asleep. Later I woke up, and my parents had poached a mooring. I had a ginger candy then felt fine. 

Later on Friday we got together with our friends the Olins and went to a free part of an aquarium. We saw squid, small octopus, rays, star fish, pufferfish and sea urchins. I held a star fish and a sea urchin. 

After that Josh took us to the beach, to play and swim. The water was in the 70s! After the beach we showered at the Olins’ and ate dinner: pizza. The pizza was very good.

When we finished dinner we went to a lecture on life without oxygen. It was fun but tiring. Today is a town day.