Second Contact

I’m back by popular demand. Also Moss’ eloquent posts inspired me to write again.

Just a reminder, I am not floating on the high seas with my family, but crouching in the basement of a Brutalist library, procrastinating studying for my Russian History exam. In the meantime, here’s a few updates on my life for you all to enjoy:

Two of my friends and I have started a t-shirt company. You may follow us on Instagram @nvm_tees if you like. Our mission is to create afFordable and zany clothing that provokes thought. I even wrote a manifesto outlining our Post Modernist intentions in detail. Today was the firsT day I made back the money I’ve put into the business so far. We are still around $20 in the hole, but we’ve made $122 in less than a month so I’m proud of us anyway.

This semester one of my friends suggested I taKe a yoga class with him. Because I had room in my schedule I signed up, and it is far better than I could have ever imagined. I have a history of being inflexible mentally and physically and yoga has really improved one of those.

Now I am struggling to identify more anecdotes that are both uplifting and interesting, also yoga is fast approaching and I still have a test for which to study. Happy Passover everyone. Thanks for reading.



First Contact

Please allow me to introduce myself: I'm a broke and obscure college student. This is my corner of Cupcake Afloat, and I couldn't be more excited to bombard my readership with long-winded and confusing content.

Now let's catch up. This past Thursday (8/23) I returned to my home in D.C. My friend Christian Potts flew down the next day (8/24) to visit for a few days before returning to Maine to resume his own education. His visit was a refreshing treat where I got the chance to experience my own college life through a peer's eye. Today, before he left, we walked on down to the Renwick Gallery across the street from the White House. The good folks at the Renwick have put together a magical exhibit all about the people, history, culture, and art of Burning Man. In the spirit of the festival, art installations have oozed out from the gallery, and populated various parks in the surrounding area. Two take-away's for the reader:

One; if you have the chance you ought to see this exhibit, or any other the Renwick displays. It is not a large Art Museum and should only take an hour or two to thoroughly enjoy. 

Two; Watch out Mom and Dad, I just pick up a used Honda Odyssey, bedazzle it in LED's and counterculture icons, then make for the Nevada Desert for a week of debauchery and free expression. 

In conclusion, my section of this Blog might just shrivel up and die, like a poorly provisioned attendee of Burning Man, but I've had fun so far, and I hope you did too.