Second Contact

I’m back by popular demand. Also Moss’ eloquent posts inspired me to write again.

Just a reminder, I am not floating on the high seas with my family, but crouching in the basement of a Brutalist library, procrastinating studying for my Russian History exam. In the meantime, here’s a few updates on my life for you all to enjoy:

Two of my friends and I have started a t-shirt company. You may follow us on Instagram @nvm_tees if you like. Our mission is to create afFordable and zany clothing that provokes thought. I even wrote a manifesto outlining our Post Modernist intentions in detail. Today was the firsT day I made back the money I’ve put into the business so far. We are still around $20 in the hole, but we’ve made $122 in less than a month so I’m proud of us anyway.

This semester one of my friends suggested I taKe a yoga class with him. Because I had room in my schedule I signed up, and it is far better than I could have ever imagined. I have a history of being inflexible mentally and physically and yoga has really improved one of those.

Now I am struggling to identify more anecdotes that are both uplifting and interesting, also yoga is fast approaching and I still have a test for which to study. Happy Passover everyone. Thanks for reading.

