Shoes (because you were wondering)

This is a follow up to my very first post, on February fifth 2018;

What shoes did you bring? You ask? Well, I brought crocs, sneakers, L.L.Bean keenes and rain boots. 

I am proud to say that I have worn them all. 

Today (September fifth 2018), my friends back home start school. Usually, when I miss school, I  can check the time and say something like, “Oh! It’s 3:14, one minute until dismissal.” But now I don’t know, and I’m school sick – I miss school.

Earlier today, my mom and I were playing a game that went like this: “Do you think Bladiblah has thought about me?” (we didn’t actually say bladiblah, that was an example.) the next person would say yes or no, then what they thought the person they were talking about thought.