Catching up

To start this post I will show you my uncle’s riddle:

What has Moss been doing for the past few days?


Not replying to emails from her uncle, or writing in her blog!

I just looked at my last about me post, and as you know, it was August 11th. Eleven days ago! Sorry guys. 

Instead of writing eleven days’ worth, I’m going to write two days’ worth, our visit with our cousins, Elise, Margaux, and Amanda. You know the saying ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’? Well, time does in fact fly when you’re having fun. 

I don’t know when we got to Elise’s, but we got back to Cupcake at midnight, I do know that we got to Elise’s during daylight, so we were there a while. We had two days’ of visit time with the cousins. 

The first day Elise picked us up, and took us over to her house.  (Before that we played on the play ground. I think it was one of the best playgrounds, set up as a misshapen ship.) At Elise’s house, we did laundry, showered, drank cold, non-boat water and visited with family. 

My two pot holders. 

My two pot holders. 

Elise pulled out some weaving for me to do, at first I used random colors, but when I found a single red string, I repeated my random color pattern, and it turned out looking like a store-bought woven pot holder. 

When we were on Cupcake (Not at midnight.) I made a more organized one. The next day, Margaux and Ben picked us up, and brought to a Beach Boys concert. We didn’t get tickets, we just sat outside. My dad repeatedly said that the volume was perfect because we could hear the music but still talk comfortably.

Me about to eat a delicious cupcake. 

Me about to eat a delicious cupcake. 

When Margaux and Ben picked us up, they brought cupcakes. Delicious cupcakes. The Cupcakes were creamy, sweet and sprinkly. 

Me obviously failing at drinking orange juice. 

Me obviously failing at drinking orange juice. 

Now, we are in Cape May, New Jersey. We decided to stay here, at a dock for one and a half days. Today was the full day, it was a beach day. We spent a good chunk of time jumping on waves, it was super awesome! At one point a wave knocked me under water, and into a back wards summersault, onto my head and then onto my feet again, at another point a wave knocked me into a stranger, at another other point, a wave knocked me into my mom's knee, my butt hurt after that. The impression on today you should get is... AWESOME!


Captain, first mate, and scallywag Moss. 

Captain, first mate, and scallywag Moss. 

Beautiful marsh views. 

Beautiful marsh views.