Another lesson

If you have read my dad’s most recent post, and the part about going to the café and watching a James Bond movie, in the rain, you must have heard about the thunder storm. In an older post of my dad’s, he tells about our first hatch incident, did you read about the first

Well now we have a second hatch incident (maybe third, possibly fourth…I’m losing count). So, before we went to the café, we thought closed all of the ports and hatches. When we were dinghying back up to Cupcake, we saw the main hatch was open. There was some swearing on my parents’ part, I was just upset. 

When we got on board, there were only two things on the table underneath the hatch: my book, and my journal. We sponged up the table and floor, and put my books in the sun. My father didn’t write this himself, because he is embarrassed. Again, if you have a question or a request, please tell us, and most likely you will hear about it.