Advertising (joke)

Knobble Knees.jpg

Today when we got off the boat, we saw mini remote-control sailboats. They in were all colors, a few were even wooden! The people controlling the boats told us the boats would be racing until 4:00pm. I thought the racers would pack up and leave due to rain. 

However, at 11:00ish, they were still there, and racing in the rain. My dad got two really good photos, (showed below) one of me with knobble knees (Daddy’s words, not mine.) and one of the boats racing, it shows all the different colors. 

It just popped into my head that if you are reading this, and controlled a boat, you get free advertisement. You might be wondering how the remotes stayed dry, I will tell you: plastic bags! More free advertising. 

If you have questions, or things you want to learn about, or something to be advertised (joke) comment, or email me or my parents.

Wee racers.jpg