
I’ve been exiled. 

Banished to the poop deck. 

I’m just not banished to the v berth. 

And I’m not in trouble. 

Today is the big finale on all these surprises. Because, of course a surprise is being made for me. And I have to keep out of the cabin while my parents finish the surprise.

I thought this family didn’t do surprises!

Hopefully this is the last surprise. 

We have been in Nassau for two days and tomorrow we collect Simon and Zachary. 

Then we set off on our way on Wednesday. 

To the Exumas. To another marina. 


I prefer to anchor. So do my parents. But the weather is supposed to be horrid for a few days.

Today, we started the day with a swim in the marina pool. 

Then we set off on our way to down town Nassau by foot. 

We didn’t walk far before stopping at a restaurant called The Green Parrot

The food there was very good. 

At least the chicken was. 

I got chicken tenders. My parents got two orders of chicken wings. 

We are having leftovers for supper. 

(I prefer the word supper to dinner.)

Anyway, back to the summary of the day. 

After we ate lunch, we went to the straw market. We didn’t buy anything. Nor did we want anything. We saw lots of carved wood, straw hats, straw bags, ripped t-shirts. Not a look I care for.

There were some pull turtles like ones we have at the house in my room that we turned into baskets. 

I’m not the only one who likes pull turtles. 

There were many people who bought a pull turtle or two. 

After we walked through the straw market we got gelato. 

I got chocolate and vanilla, my dad got chocolate and vanilla, and my mom got mango and piña colada. 

Next we went to a museum called The Balcony House

The tour guide was very friendly and engaging. 

Then we walked back to Cupcake. 

I read on the boat while my parents zipped over to the grocery store to get beer and juice. 

I am currently reading Wildwood by Colin Meloy and illustrated by Carson Ellis. 

I just did two vocabulary words. Judicious and combustible. Judicious means making good decisions and having good judgment. Combustible means flammable and fire prone.