Seeing New Water Creatures

On Tuesday, we were sailing to Isles Of Shoals, and on the way there we saw a ton of porpoises, if you don't know what a porpoise is, it looks like a dolphin but with a different snout. We also saw an ocean sunfish which is a big lazy fish that just lays on its side on the surface of the water, this one was small, but still six feet long. So big. Today we saw a fin back wale, which was probably as big, maybe bigger then Cupcake, who is thirty six feet. So in two days I have seen three new creatures. 

School report

Today I started finally started school!

I did three pages of math (one math boxes, two lesson) and had a word of the day, which is commence, which means start, begin, open and kick off, those are also synonyms for commence. Antonyms for commence are: end, close and stop. Tomorrow's word of the day is Simian, which I will tell you about tomorrow. For today my writing assignment is writing on the blog, and I am doing that now. Something specific I was told to write about today was what it is like to live on a boat “ Some people don’t get how to live on a boat.” Says Jonathan, so I’m writing an essay on how living on Cupcake is fun, with pictures of my messy room, then my cleanish night stand, and last, my clean room. 


Have you ever wondered what it's like to live on a boat? If you have, continue reading. Living on a boat is fun because there is much better food, more free time and more together time.


My first reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is, there is much better food. 

   Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is much better food is that one time when my parents were sailing with friends on board and my mom's cooking timer would go off everyone would come into the galley (kitchen), because boat food is so much better than land food. You might say that’s just because the crew was hungry, but we keep accessible snacks on board. 


There is much better food on a boat because cooking is more entertaining

There is much better food on a boat because the cook is more into what they are making

There is much better food on a boat because the food is not rushed


My second reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is there is more free time.

   Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is more free time, is even when people are busy, you can still talk to each other, so it feels like free time. Earlier today I was doing math, but I could still talk to my parents and have them check my answers, even though they were busy. You might say that this isn’t free time, but it still feels like free time. 


My third reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is, there is more together time.

Clean room. (Very unusual.)

Clean room. (Very unusual.)

Messy room. (Pretty common.)

Messy room. (Pretty common.)

   Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is more together time is, the boat is only thirty six feet, so, small and in a small space with two other people the boat is even more small, and therefor you are with and together with the other people on board. Simon once said that being on a boat has “ to much concentrated family time” involved, also known as together time. 



In conclusion, you might want to rethink getting a boat, and if you haven’t gotten a boat before, you have good food to look forward to, if you choose to get a boat.

Long Tiring Days

Today was hot, long and tiring.

My dad and I had a long to-do list that had more or less fifteen things to do on it, I don't remember exactly, but some of the things to do were: Bike-run, Take Simon to work, have breakfast with Simon. There were lots of other things to do.

After all of our errands, I fell asleep in the car.

Last night my parents' friends Jim and Sherry hosted a going away party for us, it was very fun. While the grownups talked I played with the kids.

The voyage begins

On Sunday I got home from camp (house is where I went home to) then packed, I was concerned about packing too much. During dinner (store bought pizza with cardboard plates because we put our plates in storage) I suggested that we move my bed and I sleep on my pull out chair, my parents thought it was a marvelous idea. 


In the morning of Monday we woke up, then my parents moved their bed to my room. Then we put some stuff, to put on the boat tomorrow, in the truck. Then, my dad and I took the dinghy out to Cupcake, then came back and then Bo and Kim, the tenants arrived. Once the Bo and Kim knew what they needed to know, the Cupcake crew began their most exiting voyage yet. 


Now it is Thursday and I am sitting in a chair at Brewer South Freeport Marine writing this, but also wondering if I’m really going to start school today ( that was the plan for today yesterday ) I don’t think it will happen. If you are wondering…I am exited for home school.


I will end with a picture of a nearby boat. And with a joke: why couldn’t the pirate play cards?


Answer: he was sitting on the deck.


Cushion Cave

Yesterday was a busy boat preparation day. 

In the morning we took the last of our old cushions from Cupcake and put them in the bed of the truck, then we drove down to Portland. Once we had gotten off the highway Mamma said'' Don't the cushions look like they're going to blow out of the bed? (back of the truck)''  Daddy agreed that they might so we pulled over and Mamma and Daddy got out of the truck and went to the bed and I opened the little window hatch thing and Mamma and Daddy started handing me cushions through the hatch. This was only step one of our day.

Next we went to a used boat part store called Captain Jim's which is really cool because 1. it involves boat parts and 2. because Jim and a bunch of other people take old junky boats and take all of the useful parts out or off of them and sell them. Captain Jim is funny because he knows almost all of the pirate jokes in the world and for kids in order to come to the store you have to have a pirate joke mine was: what's a pirate's favorite subject in school?
Answer: you would think it's arrrt but its really arrithmeitic. I was photographer for that step of the day.
Our final step was taking our new fabric to Windham Prison Upholstery which was fun but does not really have a story to go with it.


Fabric Galore

On Saturday Mamma, Daddy and I went to Marden's to pick out fabric for the new cushions for Cupcake (if you are confused it would be wise to read Daddy's Prison Bound post) there were probably more than ten million different fabrics there. (I'm in 4th grade I know big numbers, that's a note for any teachers.) After we had looked at about one million different fabrics Daddy joked around and said '' Are you bored? Because if you're bored we can always put you up here!'' Then he picked me up and put me on top of the fabric shelf, then said '' You don't want to be up there do you.'' (It was more of a statement then a question.) I replied ''Actually it's kind of comfortable up here.'' Despite my comment he took me down. When we had looked at ALL of the fabric it was camel colored ultra suede vs caramel colored ultra suede, ( I preferred the caramel colored ultra suede because it was more fun to draw on with my finger) it took us a few minutes but we decided on the camel ultra suede because it didn't show drawing prints as much.

This picture is of me wrapped up in the camel ultra suede once we got home.



Hello, just a heads up that this is my first blog post ever.

Today in the car home from Hebrew school (in Portland) I asked how many pairs of shoes to bring on the big trip (boat trip, I call it the big trip) and Daddy replied ''That's an interesting question, I only used my crocs last big boat trip.'' then I said '' do I take my crocs and my sneakers?''  then Daddy told me that he was thinking of bringing his water shoes, crocs and sneakers and I thought that was a pretty good idea, I think that I will do the same.

In 2012 when I was three we went on a boat trip for 6 months to the Bahamas and it was awesome, I guess that means that this trip will be two times as awesome since it's twice as long. One of my favorite parts of our last trip to the Bahamas was in Georgetown where there were tame sting rays and one was named Chip and had had a bite taken out of him from a shark, it was very cool. (To me, probably not to Chip.)
