
Hello, just a heads up that this is my first blog post ever.

Today in the car home from Hebrew school (in Portland) I asked how many pairs of shoes to bring on the big trip (boat trip, I call it the big trip) and Daddy replied ''That's an interesting question, I only used my crocs last big boat trip.'' then I said '' do I take my crocs and my sneakers?''  then Daddy told me that he was thinking of bringing his water shoes, crocs and sneakers and I thought that was a pretty good idea, I think that I will do the same.

In 2012 when I was three we went on a boat trip for 6 months to the Bahamas and it was awesome, I guess that means that this trip will be two times as awesome since it's twice as long. One of my favorite parts of our last trip to the Bahamas was in Georgetown where there were tame sting rays and one was named Chip and had had a bite taken out of him from a shark, it was very cool. (To me, probably not to Chip.)
