Fabric Galore

On Saturday Mamma, Daddy and I went to Marden's to pick out fabric for the new cushions for Cupcake (if you are confused it would be wise to read Daddy's Prison Bound post) there were probably more than ten million different fabrics there. (I'm in 4th grade I know big numbers, that's a note for any teachers.) After we had looked at about one million different fabrics Daddy joked around and said '' Are you bored? Because if you're bored we can always put you up here!'' Then he picked me up and put me on top of the fabric shelf, then said '' You don't want to be up there do you.'' (It was more of a statement then a question.) I replied ''Actually it's kind of comfortable up here.'' Despite my comment he took me down. When we had looked at ALL of the fabric it was camel colored ultra suede vs caramel colored ultra suede, ( I preferred the caramel colored ultra suede because it was more fun to draw on with my finger) it took us a few minutes but we decided on the camel ultra suede because it didn't show drawing prints as much.

This picture is of me wrapped up in the camel ultra suede once we got home.
