Cushion Cave
Yesterday was a busy boat preparation day.
In the morning we took the last of our old cushions from Cupcake and put them in the bed of the truck, then we drove down to Portland. Once we had gotten off the highway Mamma said'' Don't the cushions look like they're going to blow out of the bed? (back of the truck)'' Daddy agreed that they might so we pulled over and Mamma and Daddy got out of the truck and went to the bed and I opened the little window hatch thing and Mamma and Daddy started handing me cushions through the hatch. This was only step one of our day.
Next we went to a used boat part store called Captain Jim's which is really cool because 1. it involves boat parts and 2. because Jim and a bunch of other people take old junky boats and take all of the useful parts out or off of them and sell them. Captain Jim is funny because he knows almost all of the pirate jokes in the world and for kids in order to come to the store you have to have a pirate joke mine was: what's a pirate's favorite subject in school?
Answer: you would think it's arrrt but its really arrithmeitic. I was photographer for that step of the day.
Our final step was taking our new fabric to Windham Prison Upholstery which was fun but does not really have a story to go with it.