School report
Today I started finally started school!
I did three pages of math (one math boxes, two lesson) and had a word of the day, which is commence, which means start, begin, open and kick off, those are also synonyms for commence. Antonyms for commence are: end, close and stop. Tomorrow's word of the day is Simian, which I will tell you about tomorrow. For today my writing assignment is writing on the blog, and I am doing that now. Something specific I was told to write about today was what it is like to live on a boat “ Some people don’t get how to live on a boat.” Says Jonathan, so I’m writing an essay on how living on Cupcake is fun, with pictures of my messy room, then my cleanish night stand, and last, my clean room.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to live on a boat? If you have, continue reading. Living on a boat is fun because there is much better food, more free time and more together time.
My first reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is, there is much better food.
Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is much better food is that one time when my parents were sailing with friends on board and my mom's cooking timer would go off everyone would come into the galley (kitchen), because boat food is so much better than land food. You might say that’s just because the crew was hungry, but we keep accessible snacks on board.
There is much better food on a boat because cooking is more entertaining
There is much better food on a boat because the cook is more into what they are making
There is much better food on a boat because the food is not rushed
My second reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is there is more free time.
Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is more free time, is even when people are busy, you can still talk to each other, so it feels like free time. Earlier today I was doing math, but I could still talk to my parents and have them check my answers, even though they were busy. You might say that this isn’t free time, but it still feels like free time.
My third reason for Living On A Boat Is Fun is, there is more together time.
Evidence for Living On A Boat Is Fun because there is more together time is, the boat is only thirty six feet, so, small and in a small space with two other people the boat is even more small, and therefor you are with and together with the other people on board. Simon once said that being on a boat has “ to much concentrated family time” involved, also known as together time.
In conclusion, you might want to rethink getting a boat, and if you haven’t gotten a boat before, you have good food to look forward to, if you choose to get a boat.