BT (Bimini Time)

Okay fellow blog readers.

Since I have a lot to talk about, I will get right to the point.

Our time in Fort Lauderdale went by super fast! It was all fun, but my favorite part was when I escaped from my parents and stayed at my cousin’s house. It is weird going from zero kids to six kids. The sleepover was with three cousins my age, along with three more of the cousins who were around Simon’s age. It was funny when we went swimming in the pool because two of my cousins are from New York so the pool was warm for them, and the pool was warm for me because I'm used to swimming in the ocean. But for my cousins from Florida…

The crossing was very uneventful. I guess you want boring and uneventful passages. But nine hours worth of boring and uneventful, is well… boring and uneventful.

I don’t know if when we were in Cape Lookout South Carolina, we told you about the nice crew from a boat called Jenna Bird that gave us freezer pops. But we saw a boat called Jenna Bird that gave us freezer pops. Anyway, we saw them again when we arrived in Bimini. Alicia showed me her sea glass collection, and when my parents and I went for a walk on the beach, I found a piece of green sea glass.

When we got back from our walk on the beach, we realized that Cupcake had dragged. As you know, my mom has a hankering for anchoring and trusts Pablo. She hauled up the anchor and we reset it.

When I went below, I asked my dad if I should turn off the GPS, he said not to and explained that was because he wanted to make sure that we weren’t dragging. {If you need your GPS to make sure that you are not dragging, you should move.} My mom was making dinner (tacos) when it was clear that we were dragging. It was dark by then. My parents were deciding if we should take a dock. After a lot of stressing and deciding, they chose yes.

My dad took the helm, my mom took her anchoring area, and I relayed. When the anchor was up, it was covered in junk. Sea grass and fishing line. When it was cleaned off, we turned the boat and tried to grab a face dock. We missed it. We tried for the next face dock. We missed that too. By now I was very nervous. We looped around and tried the first face dock. We got it! After we were secure, we asked permission to stay the night. They said yes.

We ate a nice dinner of tacos.

After dinner, we checked in.

This morning, we asked if we could stay here for another night for a lower price. The marina said yes again.

While I am writing this post, a big sport fish came in to the face dock in front of us and decided to blast rap music and swear every five words.

It is very disrupting to quiet folk like us.