Where is Pocasset?

Here’s a quick update for you all. Cupcake and crew are in Pocasset, Massachusetts. That’s a little town just south of the west end of the Cape Cod Canal.

We picked up our pal Matthew in Block Island after a spirited overnight from Atlantic City, NJ last week. Once again this boat showed us she is a tough and speedy old girl. We’ve been able to sail the majority of the offshore passages, this last one had us scooting along at more than 6.5 knots for the entire night.

When we got to Block Island we were rudely reminded that late May is not summertime in New England. Not remotely. But, given the realities of the climate and season, we’ve had some fine weather and splendid sailing. The run from Block Island to Cuttyhunk, MA was an excellent spinnaker run. The only downside was that since we sailed the whole way, we didn’t run the engine enough to make warm water. Without warm water, nobody is much interested in showering.

Matthew keeps threatening to go swimming, but with temps in the low 50s, he’s getting very little buy-in. Today we had a fine run with wind and tide down Buzzards Bay. By this afternoon when the wind was up we we seeing 8 knots on a broad reach. Here at anchor in Pocasset Harbor the water is a balmy 59. Some locals were swimming, but they just came through a New England winter, were young, and were drunk. We are none of those things.

This evening we are having a pot-luck dinner with Talisa, a kid-boat catamaran Moss met in Georgetown who we caught up with in Block Island.

I’ve still lost my ability to post pictures, so check out the Instagram. (Oh wait, Ellen says we are low on internet, so pictures might need to wait until tomorrow when we are in Scituate enjoying free WiFi.)