Morning surprises

The picture-taking has slowed dramatically since the demise of our waterproof, shockproof little camera. It was never a particularly good camera, and it seems the issue is the battery. But we still miss it, particularly because I am not too thrilled to be carrying my phone around in this harsh marine environment just to document this voyage for you armchair Magellans.

RIP, you crummy camera.

RIP, you crummy camera.

Today began with two surprises. This post talks about three. The first was when Naomi from Turbulence came over on her paddle board to collect Moss for a ride. Naomi and her sister Siena gave Moss paddle board lessons yesterday and now Moss wants a board of her own. Thanks a lot guys.

Turbulence is a boat we met about a week ago, there are three kids aboard, all within the age-range sweet-spot (9 to 13) so Moss has had some nice kids to play with. 

After the paddle board action, Turbulence  headed out. They are moving south, we are moving north. (More on that later, read on.)

The other surprise this morning was the dying squid we found in the cockpit. We have no idea how it got there…did not know the little guys could jump that high, it’s unlikely it was dropped by a bird because we had all our sun canvas in place and the squid wasn’t mangled. When we spotted it (and thank goodness I didn’t find it by stepping on it in the dark…) we could see its coloration changing. Spots were forming and fading under its skin. Ellen (the brave one aboard) picked it up and tossed it back into the water to see if it would revive. It did not. Hopefully one of the big green turtles in the bay will find it and gobble it up. If turtles even eat squid. 

Squid visitor.

Squid visitor.

Earlier this week we took all our stores out from under the floorboards to see what was left. Since we are leaving the Bahamas in a matter of days, (more on that later, read on) there’s no need to stockpile. Soon we will be back in the bosom of America where consumers can get whatever their hearts desire. We will have Amazon deliver ice cream sundaes by drone. They’ve gotten that technology squared away over these past 9 months, right?

When we pulled up one of the boards we found a wonderful surprise: nearly a case of beer we had completely forgotten about!

Treasure trove!

Treasure trove!

Our pal Christopher arrives this afternoon, so we will be fetching him at Treasure Cay in a couple of hours. Then we will hang around White Sound for the night, enjoying the pool one last time, before heading to Manjack Cay to relax on Sunday. We need to relax on Sunday because the weather forecast indicates that Monday morning is the optimal time for our ride up to Beaufort. Starting to get antsy to be off. The waiting is a little exhausting. Once we are at sea, we will more or less be committed to the ride and can stop worrying about it and just do it.

White Sound sunset.

White Sound sunset.