New neighbor

Cupcake and her new neighbor. No name on the green boat.

Cupcake and her new neighbor. No name on the green boat.

Still waiting for Cupcake’s as-yet unidentified new owner to find our ad, call us up, and buy the boat.

In the meantime we are visiting Cupcake several times a week to run the water maker and ensure everything is in tip-top shape. Probably go for an overnight this weekend.

She looks like a Muscongus Bay Sloop but isn’t one.

She looks like a Muscongus Bay Sloop but isn’t one.

But last weekend Ellen and I sailed around the anchorage on Marmalade, the catboat. Cupcake has a new neighbor – this sweet little wooden sloop. Welcome to the neighborhood, little sloop.

Lately we’ve been thinking that if Trump steals the election again we may want to keep Cupcake so we can flee the country. Ellen is lobbying for Vancouver, but I think the climate in Costa Rica would suit me much better.

And here’s sweet little Marmalade on a gloomy day. This day provided rains from the tail end of Hurricane Laura. Fortunately all we got was lots of rain and a bit of wind.

And here’s sweet little Marmalade on a gloomy day. This day provided rains from the tail end of Hurricane Laura. Fortunately all we got was lots of rain and a bit of wind.