Catch up

After bailing on our plan to sail to Roque Island we sailed to Burnt Coat Harbor on Swan’s Island for a few days. Ellen decided she wants to move to Swan’s and she has a pretty good point. The anchorages are gorgeous and protected, the boats are beautiful, and the island offers excellent walking and diversions.

Derelict boat on Swan’s Island.

Derelict boat on Swan’s Island.

When we had the hook set, we dinghied across the harbor to check out the quarry and go for a swim. The water was fresh and a great temperature. Nice to swim and not hustle right back out because it is so cold. The views from the top of the quarry were spectacular.


Next to the town dock there’s a company with the perplexing name Underwater Taxi. They had self-serve clams and lobsters so we picked up a bag of clams that Ellen cooked that evening. On our way back across the harbor to Cupcake we were treated to two windjammers coming in for the night. We scooted right up close and got to watch them come up into the wind, drop anchor, and strike their sails. Spectacular.


Two days in Swan’s and we headed across East Penobscot Bay to Vinalhaven where we anchored in Perry Creek after first checking out the town landing just across the Fox Islands Thoroughfare at North Haven. At Perry Creek we tied up to a mooring. (When we came in to the harbor a high-strung woman on a Saber shouted at us “THERE’S NO ROOM TO ANCHOR! PICK UP A MOORING!” My goodness.)

Met a nice gentleman on an American Tug, enjoyed listening to his marvelous Scottish accent as he sang the praises of his sturdy vessel.

Two days at Perry Creek gave us time to get ice cream in North Haven, do laundry, and walk to the grocery store for provisions. Mr. Flowerpot with her excellent 15 hp outboard was perfectly suited for zooming the mile or so from Perry Creek to town. So many good looking boats to check out up here.

North Haven

North Haven

The past two nights were passed anchored at Seal Bay. There were plenty of neat boats to look at there: a boat with a super name: Lord Nelson Victory Tug, caught our eye and has us thinking about our post-Cupcake options.

At Seal Bay we explored the many little islands and inlets, watched a seat hunt for pogies, and met a nice young couple (wow that makes me sound old) from Sweden.

This morning we headed out of Seal Bay, through the Thoroughfare, and around to the west side of Vinalhaven where we are now hooked up for the night in Long Cove. There’s a reversing falls here and as soon as the boat was settled, Ellen and I went hunting there for mussels for dinner.


The day has offered up a mix of wind and grey skies and rain, but now it is sunny and warm so all is forgiven.

Friday update: when I last reported on the cat I understated how excellent she is aboard. Friendly, adventurous, clever, stalwart. She is fine crew.

Happy cat.jpg